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Aquarius 2018 || SureshShrimali

Aquarius 2018

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 Before the end of each year, all of us make some resolutions in our life for the New Year, we follow some of them and some are broken down in a short time. The arrival of New Year is like the beginning of a new chapter in all our lives. Whereas on one hand we think seriously about strengthening mutual love between family and external relationships, but on the other hand, strengthening the position of our job is emphasizing the financial condition of the self. Along with this, the desire for healthy health lies in all of us. Let's know what this New Year 2018 holds for Aries to Pisces, the 12 zodiac signs. Let us begin with Aries

Positive point:~

Aquarians are true to their words. If need arises, they can convince anyone their point of view. They are highly intellectual. They appear to be harsh, stubborn and show a tendency of anger, hatred, animosity, but on the inside they are soft hearted, sensitive, philosophical, and a true gentleman.

Negative point:~

Such people lose their temper if their point of view is not accepted. They may occasionally lose their mental balance due to this anger but their anger subsides equally quickly. Even though Aquarians are worldly and in delusion, they have a wonderful combination of philosophical ideas.

Business, Job and Financial Position:~

Business:~ Expectation of business will be good due to the sign aspects of Mars on the 7th House from 2nd May to 6th November.  New sources of income will be found. New partnerships will be created, which will give good results. If you have your own business then this year you could make unexpected profits from it.  In this period, you can plan for expansion of business, although for this, you will also need good money. If your business is associated with art, designing, fashion, architect and export,  then there will be huge profits. At the same time, the people who are associated with Foreign Service will also have good earnings. Verify all documents before signing.

Job:~ Due to Rahu`s sign aspects on the 10th House, this year will be very good for people who are employed. During this period, you will work very hard and your seniors will appreciate your work. Along with a good salary you will also get a promotion. This year you will be fully dedicated to your work with a positive thinking. You will get a good position at the work place; however, you have to stay away from disputes. During this time you will take new responsibilities which in turn will increase your abilities. Keep good relations with the seniors as there is a possibility of a small dispute. Decisions wisely made will give  good results.

Financial Position:~ From 7th March to 2nd May, Mars has its sign aspects on Wealth House therefore if you want to earn money in 2018 and strengthen your economic condition then you will have to work very hard. Hard work will definitely give you results. Incoming money will be good and your life will be pleasant, but better management is necessary. In this period, you will recover from old debts. During this period you should be prepared to take advantage of many golden opportunities coming your way.

Family life and relationships:~

Family:~ Due to Ketu`s sign aspects on the 4th House your family life will be better than before and you will spend your life happily. You will get full support from your spouse and the relationship between you and your partner will be good. No negative energy will be seen around you. Occasionally there could be disputes in the family, but your good judgements will help avoiding them. You need to control of your anger between the months of March and April. In marital life too there may be a stress related to some issue.

Relationships:~ According to the horoscope of 2018, you will get mixed results this year in matters of love. During this time you could face some ups and downs too. There may be some differences in the beginning of the year, so avoid arguments and try to understand each other. Take control of your anger and think before you speak. Before reaching any decision, think about the result.


Saturn`s sign aspects is on the 8th House due to which, Aquarians will benefit from good health and there is no possibility of any serious illness. But it does not mean that you should be careless regarding your health. Pay attention to the daily routine and eat food on time. From mid April to September, due to work load there will be a decrease in sleep and a possibility of an abdominal disorder. So eat food on time and take a lot of rest.


From 7th March to 2nd May, due to the sign aspects of Mars on the 5th House, this year is going to be good in terms of education for Aquarius people. There will be many changes in the lives of students, but this does not mean that they should stop working hard and stop studying. There is no shortcut for success, so keep working hard at your level. There may be a lack of confidence and memory for some time. But such a situation is not going to last for a long time; hence there is no need to worry. Set your goal and keep striving in the right direction.

Friendly and unfriendly Zodiac signs:~

For people with the Aquarius sign, the friendly signs are Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius. You can have friendship, business relationship, and invest with them. Keep distance as far as possible from the people of Pisces, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn.

Auspicious numbers and colours:~

For Aquarius, 3, 5, 6, 8 are lucky numbers and the colours white, green, black will be auspicious.

Time when to remain cautious:~

1. From 14th January to 12th February, the combination of Sun and Ketu forms 'Grahan Dosh' in the 12th House which is inauspicious.

2. From 7th March to 2nd May ,Mars and Saturn form “ Angarak Dosh ” in the 11th House.                      
3. From 2nd May to 6th November Mars and Ketu`s  “ Angarak Dosh ” in the 12th House.

4. From 17th September to 17th October Sun is in the 8th House which is inauspicious.

Happy moments:~

1. From 1st January to 16th January combination of Jupiter and Mars formed the 'Parijat Yog'.

2. From 16th January to 7th March, Mars being in its own house forms  “ Ruchak Yog ”  in the 10th House.

3. From 1st  September to 11th  October Jupiter and Venus form “ Shankh Yog ” in the 9th House.

4.From 19th April to 14th May, Venus in its own 4th House forms “ Malvya Yog ”.

Wonders of Success:~

Prepare an octal lotus with black gram (black lentil) on a black cloth and install the Saturn Yantra on it. Wearing black or blue clothes, chant the Saturn mantra “Om Shum Shanycharaye Namah ”, 69 thousand times. Fast on Saturdays, read Dasharatkrath Shani Stotra (or get it done). Worship Shami tree and Mudar tree (Ark tree) It will be beneficial to donate black sesame seeds, umbrella, shoes, iron items, black clothes, blankets, etc.

 Note: An important thing to note is that on Saturdays, do not buy Saturn items for the personal use such as, black clothes, iron items, edible oils, Mustard oil, black shoes, black gram (black lentils).  Those whose parents are alive should not donate umbrellas.

Sources of Success:~

Anger is your greatest enemy. It not only leads to a job not getting done well but also gets delayed. Anger, creates distances in relationships and is the reason for their breakdown. In the New Year why don`t you renounce your anger. This will not only lead to a better life, but also create harmony in relationships. 


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