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Gemini February 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

 February 2018

My dear Geminians, I wish you peace and joy in this pious month of February. This month, as we are celebrating Shivratri on 13th followed by Valentine`s Day on 14th. Therefore you are fortunate to have the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Let us now begin with the Horoscope of Gemini and find out how the stars and planets will influence your life this month.

Rahu. Jupiter and Mars will be placed in 2nd, 5th House and 6th House respectively. 7th House has a formation of Papkartari Dosh in your chart due the presence of Saturn, with Mars behind and Eclipse formed by Sun and Ketu in front. Venus will be in 8th House and later from 6th February to the month end, will be in the Destiny House. Sun initially will be in 8th House and then from 12th February to month end will be in 9th House. You will have to face the ill effects of Eclipse created by Sun-Ketu and Jadhatva Dosh created by the combination of Mercury-Ketu. Mercury will be in 8th House but from 14th to the month end, will be in 9th House. Therefore here you will get the benefits of both Budhaditya Yog created due to Sun and Mercury and Laxminarayan Yog. Ketu is present in 8th House where an Eclipse has been formed. Due to this you will be prone to accidents and injury therefore you need to be very cautious. An important thing to remember is, due to all planets being between Ketu and Rahu, Kalsarpa Dosh is created. The negative effect created by Kalsarpa will be reduced whenever Moon will be out of the celestial orbit. Now let us see how these positions will affect our lives in this month.

Business and Wealth This month, Jupiter is in 5th House. Due to the un- favourable positions of planets in Business House, you could incur a loss, or get cheated hence it would be advisable not to take any major decisions on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. It would be even better if you avoid any important decisions, altogether this month. You need to be extra careful in money matters. As Jupiter`s 7th sign aspect is on Income House, you should avoid giving or taking of loans but if it becomes unavoidable, then it should be done on Thursdays only. Also 7th sign aspect of Eclipse formed by Sun and Ketu is on Wealth House and as Rahu is already present there it indicates that if you have any old disputes related to any ancestral home, issues between siblings, they won`t be solved and neither should you attempt talking about it.

Gemini women and family As Jupiter is in 5th House, the House of Children therefore it is auspicious with regards to children. But at the same time, there could be some disturbance amongst spouses. You will not be able to enjoy this romantic month, the way you wanted to. Therefore, try to avoid unnecessary arguments. Stay alert especially between 12th and 14th February and also on 18th and 19th February. The good thing is, that by the end of the month everything will come back to normal. 

Students & offspring Venus is in 8th House. This implies good times for students. Students, who were lethargic earlier, will improve for the better. Those who are completing their studies in two to three months should immediately start getting ready for Campus selection. All you need is hard work with full commitment. The position of Venus is very good in the chart this month therefore your offspring will bring you good results or do things which will make you proud. 

Health and enemies Due to the unfavourable position of Mars, you could have some health problems. If you already have issues related to gas, acidity or problems related to the intestines, then it will aggravate further. Ulcers or diseases related to it could also trouble you. Hence you need to take care. Mars which is in 6th House is creating Aashray Yog. This type of Yog does not allow your enemies to get the better of you. 

Job and Professional Avoid changing their jobs and instead work with total devotion in the present one. Jupiter is positioned in the centre and Rahu`s 9th sign aspect is on the Work House. Due to these favourable positions there are possibilities of promotion. You already have the qualities of management, sales, purchase and marketing. You just need to upgrade yourself by studying further, attending seminars or attend events. Professionals will carry on with their duties as usual without much change. 

So overall this month will pass of smoothly for the Geminians with the blessings of Lord Shiva.

These are my predictions for the month of February. It would be a pleasure to receive your valuable thoughts and comments, do write to us. Jodhpur`s Adhyatmic Sadhana Siddhi Kendra will always be by your side to resolve your problems. 


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