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Virgo | February 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

February 2018

My dear subscribers and lectures let us see what the charts say for Virgo Zodiac sign in this month of February. Before we begin, let me inform you that you have the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati as Shivratri is on 13th February. This is also a good time to express your love for your loved ones as Valentine`s day is on 14th February. Let us now see the placement of various planets in your chart.

Jupiter will be present in 2nd House and Mars will be in 3rd House which is its own house. Saturn in 4th and Venus will initially be in 5th House. A good thing to note is that this month you will have the blessings of four planets in this house. But from 6th February to the month end Venus will transit to 6th House. Sun will initially be in 5th House and from 12th February to the month end will be in 6th House. Here you will have to face the ill effects of Eclipse created by Sun-Ketu and Jadhatva Dosh created by the combination of Mercury-Ketu for some time. Mercury will initially be in 5th House and later from 14th February to month end will be in 6th House. Therefore you will have the blessings of Budhaditya Yog due to Sun-Mercury and Laxminarayan Yog due to the combination of Venus-Mercury. Ketu will be as usual in 5th House and Rahu in 11th House. As Saturn`s is undergoing 2 ½ years transit, its effects will be felt. Due to all planets being between Ketu and Rahu, Kalsarpa Dosh is created. This negative effect created by Kalsarpa will be reduced whenever Moon will be out of the celestial orbit. Now, let`s begin with the analysis of the Vergo chart for the month of February.

Business and Wealth:~

Business and Wealth Jupiter is in 2nd House and Ketu`s 9th sign aspect will be on Business House for quite some time. Due to such planetary positions, your work will always get stalled for some reason or the other. If this business is a family business, started by your fore fathers who are no more, then you should always light an oil lamp in your kitchen, preferably near a water source. You will definitely receive their blessings. If possible perform Rudrabhishek at your premises as you are easily affected by the evil eye. With regards to finance, the combination of Venus and Mercury will prove beneficial for you but on the other hand due to the combination of Mercury-Ketu and Eclipse in your chart, you will not see any major changes in your income.

Women and family happiness:~

Women and family happiness Jupiter has transited to 2nd House, the Family House and Rahu`s 9th sign aspect is on Spouse House therefore you will have a difficult month. You could have some misunderstandings with your husband. You may also be stressed due to the academic performance of your children due to Eclipse and Jadhatva Dosh in the House of Offspring this month. My advice would be to use the long weekend of this month to make a short pleasure trip with family. Instead of getting frustrated with your children, try motivating and encouraging them. You will definitely see results.


Student and Siblings Students will face some challenges because of the unfavorable combination of Mercury and Ketu and Eclipse, you will tend to get distracted this month. Due to Eclipse and Jadhatva Dosh this month, it is possible that your friends may study in time and disturb you in your studies later. As the planets are not in your favour, you need to be disciplined and stay focused on your studies. You can also get distracted easily during this month due to Valentine`s Day. You may get infatuated or fall in love but remember that at this stage, your education is of prime importance. 

Health and Enemies:~

Health and Enemies Saturn`s 3rd sign aspect is on 6th House, which will make you careless with regards to your health. You need to use your will power and convince yourself for the need of exercise in your life. You may be troubled by cough, cold, fever and problems related to intestine. Therefore take care of your daily routine and eating habits. Remember that Prevention is better than cure. 

Job and Professional:~

Job and Professional It is a good month for job seekers. You need to apply before 6th February and if for some reason you are unable to do so then you should do so after 22nd February. Apply on a Wednesday or a Friday as it will be auspicious. Due to Mars`s, 8th sign aspect on the Work House, you will think of innovative ideas for your office. You should spend time to develop your professional and management skills. If possible avoid changing jobs this month. Try to think of ways in which your company or organization could benefit. This thought process and results will lead to your promotion. 

Due to Saturn`s 2 ½ years transit in Virgo`s chart, achievements will be slow to get but overall you will be satisfied.

If you have liked what you have read and if you have any queries, thoughts or comments to make, do write to us and share them. Jodhpur`s Adhyatmic Sadhna Siddhi Kendra will always be by your side to resolve your problems.


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