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Pisces 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

Pisces 2018

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 Before the end of each year, all of us make some resolutions in our life for the New Year, we follow some of them and some are broken down in a short time. The arrival of New Year is like the beginning of a new chapter in all our lives. Whereas on one hand we think seriously about strengthening mutual love between family and external relationships, but on the other hand, strengthening the position of our job is emphasizing the financial condition of the self. Along with this, the desire for healthy health lies in all of us. Let's know what this New Year 2018 holds for Aries to Pisces, the 12 zodiac signs. Let us begin with Aries

Positive point:~
Pisces born are simple, gentle, rich, kind hearted, morally sound, honest, and humble with ascetic tendencies. Jupiter being the Lord of wisdom, such people are scholars, have beautiful voice, noble minded, cool headed, virtuous, and  have authority in all the scriptures.

Negative point:~
The lack of self-confidence can also be seen clearly. Due to their lack of proper determination and unstable mood, their principles and decisions change frequently.

Business, Job and Financial Position:~
Business:~ You will have to face some ups and downs in the business. Time is not auspicious for partnership in business. If already in a partnership, then do not expect good results. There will be new opportunities later with which you could expand your business.

Job:~ If unemployed, you will surely get a job. This year is favourable for all government and private sector employees. For the employed, there are good chances of getting a promotion. In all, it`s a good year for salaried people. You will receive full support of your boss and colleagues and your work will be appreciated.  After October, time will change for the betterment with many golden opportunities coming your way in your professional life. So be prepared to take advantage of them.

Financial Position:~ From 2nd May to 6th November, due to Mars sign aspects falling on the Wealth House, economically this year will be an average one.  This year you will have both profits and losses, but this situation will not remain the same throughout the year. The situation will improve later and good results will be seen.  The planetary position says that a superb idea of yours will earn you immense wealth. To earn money, you will give your best and this dedication of yours will improve your financial condition. There will be more profit than expected, but take decisions wisely.

Family Life and Relationships:~

Family:~ This year you will have a happy family life. There will be a pleasant and harmonious relationship amongst the family members. Your spouse will always be by your side. Over all there will be plenty of happiness in your marital life. Your helping nature, will earn you a lot of respect in society.

Relationships:~ This is an average period for lovers.  This year you need to be careful, as there may be misunderstandings with your partner.  Be cautious while conversing with your partner.  Avoid being suspicious of your partner. Maintain transparency in your relationships and believe in each other. Try to spend time together. From February to March and from September to November, both of you will have a pleasant and cordial relationship.

The transits of stars predict worries and obstacles which may not allow you to enjoy the pleasure of good health. Ill health and fatigue due to over indulgence in work may keep you stressed. Diseases related to heart and stomach may affect you. So take time to relax and improve your food habits.

The transit of Lord of education- Jupiter in the 8th House is not favourable for students. In the beginning, you can get a bit lazy and think that good marks will be achieved without any hard work. But you need to concentrate on your goal and you will definitely get success. Give quality time to your studies which in turn will give you better results. Do not expect immediate results without hard work as Rome was not built in a day.

Friendly and unfriendly Zodiac signs:~
People with Pisces Zodiac sign will gain from Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. You can make friendship, business relationship, and invest with them. Keep distance as far as possible from people of Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius.

Auspicious number and colour:~
For Pisces, 2, 7, 8, 9 are lucky numbers and Maroon, Orange, Golden colour will be auspicious.

Time when to remain cautious:~
  1. The combination of Sun and Ketu from 14th January to 12th February in the 11th House forms “Grahan  Dosh” which is inauspicious.           
  2. From 7th March to 2nd May, Mars and Saturn`s combination creates “ Angarak Dosh ” in the 10th House.                                                         
  3. From 2nd May to 6th November, Mars and Ketu`s combination creates “ Angarak Dosh ” in the 11th House.                                                       
  4. Sun is in the 8th House from 17th October to 16th November, which is inauspicious.

Happy moments:~
1. From 1st January to 16th January, Jupiter and Mars create “ Parijat Yog ”. 2. From 2nd March to 26th March, Venus will be in its own sign which will create “ Malavya Yog ”.                                                                                   3. From 1th September to 11th October, Jupiter and Venus will be in the 8th House creating    “ Shankh Yog”.                                                                     4. From 18th September to 8th October, Mercury will be in its own house creating  “ Bhadra Yog ”.

Wonderful ways of Success:~
Take a yellow cloth and make a octal lotus with gram lentil or any yellow lentil. Install the Jupiter Yantra on it. Wear yellow clothes and chant Om Brim Brihaspate Namah ”, 67 thousand times using turmeric prayer beads. Fast on Thursdays and Full moon days, worship Lord Vishnu, recitation of Vishnu Sahastranam (or get it done). It will be beneficial to donate yellow items.

Source of success:~
If the mind is not stable it becomes difficult to take right decisions. Thus when the mind is volatile, it reflects a lack of confidence. Stability can be regained through yoga and meditations.


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