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Aquarius January 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

Aquarius January 2018

I wish all my disciples and followers a Happy New Year. Let`s begin with Aquarius, the eleventh sign in the Zodiac calendar and see the effects of the planetary positions on Aquarius.

Let us see the situation of business for the Aquarians in the month of January. Sun is in 11th House and from 6th to 14th January, is forming Budhadittya Yog along with Mercury. Sun will be damaged initially bur later after 14th January will be very auspicious for business. Sun will give you new ideas as in the Income House, where there are already four planets which will provoke you to think about the expansion of your business. Always carry a diary and a pen along with you so that whenever you get an idea you could note it down. Thus your hope of investing in something new will be fulfilled. Your planetary positions will give you full support this month.

Jupiter is in the Fate House and forming Parijat Yog with Mars.  This is a wonderful Raj Yog which will stay up to 16th January, hence income won`t be an issue. You could get back old dues, some inherited property, etc. Overall this will be a good month with respect to income. If you are into a business where you have a woman as partner then you should do something new in business on Fridays and Mondays for additional income.                                    
But you need to be cautious as Rahu`s 9th sign aspect on Wealth House may create some hurdles in money matters. Do not discuss your trade or business transactions with anyone. Avoid lending and borrowing money during this month. Borrow only when it`s absolutely necessary.

With regards to women, as Sun is in 11th House there is a probability of you receiving a gift from your spouse. Due to your good deeds, your spouse could get some benefit and the bonding between you two will increase. An advice to you would be, that on Fridays try something new. Both, husband-wife could go for a short trip. As the position Sun is favourable for you, try donating on 14th January. It could be anything weighing as much as your husband. This will further strengthen the bonding between the both of you. On the 22nd January, the day of Basant Panchami, worship Goddess Saraswati for family bonding and happiness. Due to Budhadittya Yog, this month will be a happy one with respect to offspring’s. 
Budhadittya Yog  is not only auspicious for students but also to those who are studying management. Your studies will not be stalled due to finance because of this planetary position. Minor problems may arise but you need not worry. Overall it`s a good time for education and progress. This month you may get some good news from your offspring.

Ketu`s 7th sign aspect is on the 5th House where Rahu is already present, due to which there could be a re-emergence of an old chronic disease. Rahu in 6th House gives rise to chronicle diseases. Ketu provokes surgeries. If surgeries are required then it should be avoided on Tuesdays and Saturdays. If it`s not surgery it could be some enemy trying to trouble you. Due to Saturn`s effect, any misunderstanding or hasty decisions could cause you loss or harm.
If we talk of job and profession then this is an excellent month for Aquarians. Mars is initially in 9th House forming Parijat Yog and later will go to 10th House forming Ruchak and Kuldeepak Yog. These placement of stars shows that you will outshine in your job. To enhance you capabilities and intelligence attend seminars, read management related books, see videos and do research related to your field. You will achieve your target and will be rewarded for the same. Don`t neglect your responsibilities; work with full honesty and integrity. It is important to note that 10th House has Papkartari Dosh, hence those who were not getting jobs will find success after 14th January. Those who are not concentrating, day dreaming or not focusing on their targets, may lose their jobs. Hence you need to stay alert.

So this was the Aquarian horoscope for the month of January.                                                                                                                                        
 I wish you the very best, with lots of blessings.


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