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Capricorn January 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

Capricorn January 2018

I wish, a very happy new year, to my dear disciples, followers and all our new audience, of today. Let`s see how Capricorn will fare in the month of January.

The natives of this sign are undergoing Saturn`s first 2 ½ years of transit of the Saturn`s 7 ½ years sojourn.One year of transit has been completed. As Ketu is positioned in your House, whenever Moon will enter your House, an Eclipse will be formed. Rahu is present in 7th House. Mars will be initially in 10th House which creates Kuldeepraj Yog, and with Jupiter, Parijat Yog. On 16th January, it will transit to 11th House or the House of Property. Mercury will be in 11th House up to 6th January, later up to 27th January in 12th House and finally will be in the next House till the end of the month. Venus will initially be in 12th House, but from 13th January to the end of the month it will be in Capricorn. Sun will initially be in 12th House but from 14th January to the month end will be in Capricorn hence you will have the advantage of Budhadittya Yog and to some extent that of Laxminarayan Yog. Saturn will be in your 12th House.

As far as business is concerned, Ketu`s 7th sign aspects is on the Business House, where Rahu is already present therefore this month will be a difficult month for you. Problems like, money or goods getting stuck, disturbances or legal complications could arise. Due to Ketu`s sign aspect, you will constantly have a feeling that the present business is no longer interesting. You will want to do something else, but as you can`t, a feeling of frustration will arise. My advice to you would be to continue whatever you are into, maintain it and grow it. This month will pass by smoothly. Plan something new but manage the older business in a professional and systematic manner. As to the question of income, in the first half of the month Mars will be in 12th House due to which old debts could be recovered. Jupiter`s 5th sign aspect is on the Wealth House therefore some old pending job could come your way by which income could be generated. An extra bit of hard work will make all the difference.

Women need to be cautious as Ketu`s sign aspect is on the Spouse House due to which you could be involved in unnecessary arguments. If you are contemplating getting married then I would advise not to, but if you insist kindly do it after 16th January. Avoid losing your temper on petty issues, ignore them. If you are in a relationship, trust each other.

Students need to concentrate on their studies. Learn to apply time management and avoid getting distracted by social media. Mars`s 8th sign aspect on 5th House will help you in your effort. Due to the different planetary positions of Mars, you will get abundant energy. It`s up to you weather you use it for useless activities or studies. You need to remember that today`s hard work will pay you dividends later.

Mercury is in 12th House which is considered weak. You could suffer from muscle pain and as it is along with Saturn, you may have teeth or eye problems. Avoid oily, outside food, spicy food and junk food. One big positive point is that Jupiter`s 9th sign aspect is on 6th House due to which you health problems will be under control. With lots of determination practice Yoga, Meditation and exercise.

The salaried and professionals should do something new this month. Attend seminars, conference, try learning something new and implement it. If you wish to change the job then you could try in another country or state, you will definitely benefit from it. Places having a cold climate or that which are close to water would be the ideal places for work. Due to Parijat Yog and Jupiter`s blessings, there are chances of increment and promotion. You may get new clients or offers. Finally, in this month try to find out your weaknesses and rectify them one by one.

With this note I will end my prediction of Capricorn for the month of January. I wish you the very best, with lots of blessings.


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