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Scorpio January 2018 || Suresh Shrimali


Scorpio January 2018

I wish all my disciples and followers a Happy New Year. Let us begin with Scorpio, the eight sign in the Zodiac calendar and see the effects of the planetary positions on Scorpio.

A very beautiful Panch Yog is formed in this horoscope. The four planets namely, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Sun are in the 2nd House and whenever Moon will transit in this house a Panch Yog will be formed. Mercury will be in your own house till 6th January and will then transit to 2nd House and stay till 27th January. Finally up to the month end it will be in 3rd House where Ketu is already present. Venus will be in 2nd House, but from 13th January to the month end it will transit to 3rd House and form Laxminarayan Yog with Mercury. Sun will be in the 2nd House but later from 14th January to the month end will be in 3rd House with Ketu forming Grahan Dosh. Sun and Mercury forming Budhadittya Yog which along with Laxminarayan Yog, will give you immense joy. Saturn will be in 2nd House for quite some time. Ketu will be in 3rd House for a long time and Rahu will be in 9th House. Initially Mars will be in 12th House and will for form Parijat Yog with Jupiter. After 16th to the month end it will return back to its own house which is very auspicious.

Saturn is the Lord of Business house. The business of Cosmetics, Gift items ,Handicrafts, Export-Import, Food and Beverages, Hotels, Restaurants, Garments, Gems and Jewellery, Daily needs and Servicing providers are all related to Saturn. This month will be a profitable month for these businesses as Saturn is in the 2nd House and from 6th January to 13th January and will form Laxminarayan Yog along with Mercury. But due to Ketu`s 5th sign aspect on the Business House, there could be some problems in your business or between partners. My advice is that during this period you should take charge of your accounts and management and give more time towards your business. Due to Saturn`s 10th sign aspect on the Income House, you will plan new ventures. If you already had plans, now is the time has now come to implement them.

Women should know that 7th House is the house of Relationships, Husband-Wife and its Lord is Saturn. This month try to spend some weekends with your family, visit a holy place, remember your good old days and try to revive them by meeting old friends. All this is very much possible for you. Winter being the romantic month and due to Laxminarayan Yog from 6th January to 13th January, you will have a wonderful time. But Ketu`s 5th sign aspect will act a villain and create disturbances in your marital life. So be alert.

Students may get distracted due to Jupiter`s planetary positions in the horoscope. This may lead to distraction. Stay away as much as possible, from social media, mobile, internet and unwanted friends as they will cause distractions in your studies. A good education always gives a better future.

Jupiter`s and Mars`s sign aspect are on 6th House due to which you may have new enemies. Sometimes enemies also work as rectifying agents for us. Due to them we become more cautious and careful. So you need not worry.

People suffering from Heart attack, Blood Pressure and Diabetes may have problems in this month. Those who are into smoking, Drinking should be careful as they face some serious health problems. Therefore be alert and try stopping these vices.

The 10th House is the house of Work and it`s Lord is Sun which is in the Wealth House. Also having a Panchgraha Yog is rare, therefore you should make full use of it. Again, up to 14th January, Sun and Mercury`s combination is creating Budhadittya Yog. If the salaried work hard, systematically and with integrity they are sure to be rewarded. If you are on the lookout for better opportunities, this is the right time to do so. On the 14th January, the day of Makar Sankranti, if you could donate wheat of yours body weight, it will be wonderful

This was the Scorpio horoscope for the month of January. I wish you the very best with lots of blessings.


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