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Virgo (January 2018)

       Virgo (January 2018)

My dear disciples, followers and today’s new viewers, I wish you a very Happy New Year. Let us see what the planetary positions have in store for Gemini in the month of January 2018.

Before beginning with the explanation of this horoscope, let me tell you that you are going through Saturn`s Dhayya. Initially, Mars is in 2nd House with Jupiter and forming a wonderful Yog called the Parijat Yog. But from 16th January to the end of the month, Mars will return to its own 3rd House. Mercury will be in 3rd House up to 6th January, but will go to 4th House on 27th January. Later, up to the month end it will stay in 5th House. Saturn, will be initially in 4th House. Therefore there will be four planets in this house and whenever Moon will enter this house, there will be five planets. But Venus will transit to 5th House from 13th of January to the end of the month. Sun will also leave 4th House and transit to 5th House on 14th January thus forming Buddhattya Yog and Laxminarayan Yog in 5th House. As usual Saturn will be in 4th House. Papkartari Dosh will be formed in 3rd House. Ketu will be in 5th House. Let me make it clear that since all the planets will be between Rahu and Ketu therefore Kalsarpa Dosh is created. The negative effect created by Kalsarpa will be reduced whenever Moon will be out of the celestial orbit. Rahu will be in 11th House for a long time.

Mercury in Wealth House is a good sign for business. Jupiter and Mars are also forming Parijat Yog up to the 16th January. As soon as soon as Mars leaves this position, the state of business will further improve. But after this date you will have a reduction in energy level and start becoming lazy. As Rahu is in the 11th House and has its 9th sign aspect on the Business House it may induce losses, money getting stuck, wrong investments, etc. This could happen as you will not give quality time to your business. So stay alert and handle the management and accounts of your business. As far as money is concerned, Saturn along with Mercury are forming Laxminarayan Yog, which will take care that your finance. There could be a delay due to Ketu`s 7th sign aspect on the Income House and 9th sign aspect on the Ascendant but you will manage somehow. Work won`t stop due to lack of funds.

Women need to know that Jupiter is in the 2nd House and initially will be with Mars up to the 16th January, which is very auspicious. You may have an event or a celebration in your family during which auspicious work like Pooja`s and charity will be done. If you are planning to get married then this is the right time to begin your search and if already married it`s the right time to plan an issue. However you need to be cautious as Rahu`s 9th sign aspect is on the Spouse House which could provoke some bitterness in your relationship with your husband. Mars`s 7th sigh aspect which is the Spouse House is on the 8th House, which could further create misunderstandings. I would like to advise you to resolve any dispute, big or small with love and care.

Ketu will be in the 5th House for quite some time. Though Saturn has retrograded to the 4th House but since it has gone to the centre, it is considered auspicious. A wonderful Yog is thus formed called the Panchgrahi Yog. Due to this Yog, students will do well in studies and get better results. If your child was earlier weak then the situation will change for the better. If you want to pursue higher education, Masters or want to go abroad for further studies then you need to start laying the foundation right away. Due to Rahu`s sign aspect on Capricorn, there could be a slight disruption in education. Therefore you need to be alert.

The Lord of the 6th House, Saturn is in 4th House and has its 3rd sign aspect on 6th House. Therefore you will recover from a chronic disease. You will start to pay attention to your health and do whatever is necessary to improve it. Though Saturn creates this excitement, you will not be able to maintain the continuity in the exercise routine. Any kind of intoxication could cause you great harm. Saturn also provokes seen and unseen enemies therefore it is always advisable to be good and affectionate as much as you can with others. But you need not worry as Jupiter`s 5th sign aspect on 6th House will help you handle any problems coming your way.

People related to the fields of Banking, Finance, Accounting, Business management, Consultancy and Service Provider can take their work to higher levels. If you had planned to study along with your work, go ahead. You could take a correspondence course, read management books or attend seminars. 

Jupiter`s 9th sign aspect is on the 10th House will help you in this task. Studies will give you good benefits. 


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