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Aquarius February 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

February 2018

My dear subscribers and lectures, welcome yet again to another article of mine. Do you know that astrology can help you access your creative nature, that you will be able to pinpoint the energy that was in your past, the energy that you are currently working with, and what will be coming up for you, in the future. Understanding why something is in your life or coming into your life allows you to look at possible solutions, and choose the best one for you. 

Before we begin, let me inform you that you have the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati as Shivratri is on 13th February. This is also a good time to express your love for your loved ones as Valentine`s day is on 14th February. Now let us see how the planets are placed in the charts of Aquarians this month. 

Rahu is in 6th House and Jupiter is in 9th House. Mars is present in 10th House. There will be a formation of Papkartari Dosh in 11th House. Venus will initially be in 12th House but later from 6th February to the month end will transit to your own sign. Sun will be in 12th House but later on 12th February, it will transit to your sign. You could face some difficulties due to Eclipse formed by Sun-Ketu and Jadhatva Dosh due to Mercury-Ketu in the 12th House. Mercury will be initially in 12th House but from 14th to the month end it will be in your own house. Therefore this house is blessed with Sun-Mercury`s , Budhaditya Yog and Mercury- Venus`s, Laxminarayan Yog. Ketu will be in 12th House. An important thing to remember is, due to all planets being between Ketu and Rahu, Kalsarpa Dosh is created. The negative effect created by Kalsarpa will be reduced whenever Moon will be out of the celestial orbit. Now, let`s begin with the analysis of the Aquarius chart for the month of February.

Business and Wealth:~

Business and Wealth Aquarian businessmen, as Sun is in 12th House, you will face some difficult times in business. Due to Eclipse and unfavourable positions of planets you may face loss in business, bad debts and even get cheated. If you are planning to start a business with the help of a loan then I would strongly advice not to do so. New expansion and investments should also be avoided. Continue your business as usual but stay alert. Involve yourself more often with your accountant and manager so that you are in touch with your business. Some of your work could get stalled due to finance and because of Rahu`s 9th sign aspect on Wealth House, you may face some monetary problems. Therefore try and work harder and do not trust anyone. Try not to take or give loans as with regards to money, your chart is quite weak.

Women and Family happiness:~ 

Women and Family happiness Aquarian women, you need to know that Sun is in 12th House along with Mercury, which is auspicious but Sun and Ketu are forming an Eclipse and Saturn`s 10th sign aspect is on Spouse House, therefore disturbances are inevitable. There could be constant health issues or otherwise unnecessary disputes amongst the spouses. Hence try to be less vocal and choose your words carefully. Due to the favourable position of Venus and Mercury there are chances of travel this month. You along with your husband should make use of the long week end this month and plan a pleasure trip. Try and revive the good old times.

Health and Enemies:~

Health The presence of Rahu in 6th House, with 7th sign aspect of Ketu on it, suggests a revival of some old chronic disease. The transit of Sun to 12th House, predicts problems related to eyes, headache or hair. If previously, you were affected by any bone related issues, then there are chances that it might revive again. Therefore be cautious in health matters. The presence of Rahu in 6th House also predicts that there could be unseen enemies who would like to cause you harm therefore you will need to be very cautious. 

Job and Professional:~

Job and Professional Mars is in its own house, is auspicious as it`s providing you energy. If you are in a job where travelling is involved then Mars will give you excellent gains. If you are starting something new or travelling due to business then try to do it on Tuesdays or Fridays as it will be beneficial. Overall this month will be a good month for the Aquarians if they work hard and stay cautious. 

If you have liked what you have read then, do write to us and share your valuable thoughts, and comments. My Jodhpur spiritual centre in India, the “ Adhyatmic Sadhana Siddhi Kendra” will always be by your side to resolve your problems.

Best of luck for the month of February. 


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