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Libra | February 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

February 2018

I wish to convey my greetings and well wishes, to all the Libran lectures reading this article. This month is special, due to Shivratri on 13th February. You have the blessings of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. We also have Valentine’s Day on 14th February, when we celebrate the love and friendships in our lives. Let us now see the placement of various planets in your chart.
Mars is in 2nd House and Saturn is in 3rd House. Now with Mars behind and Eclipse formed by Sun and Ketu in front, there is a formation of Papkartari Dosh in 3rd House. Venus will initially be in 4th House but later from 6th February to the month end will transit to 5th House. Sun, too will be in 4th House and from 12th February to the month end will be in 5th House where there is an Eclipse due to Sun-Ketu and Jadatva Dosh due to Mercury- Ketu. Mercury will be in 4th House but from 14th February to the month end it will transit to 5th House. Here you will be blessed by Budhaditya Yog and Laxminarayan Yog. Ketu will be in 4th House and Rahu in 10th House. An important thing to remember is, due to all planets being between Ketu and Rahu, Kalsarpa Dosh is created. The negative effect created by Kalsarpa will be reduced whenever Moon will be out of the celestial orbit. Now, let`s begin with the analysis of the Libran chart for the month of February.

Business and Wealth:~

Business and Wealth This month businesses will be profitable as Mars; the Lord of Business House is positioned in the Wealth House. It would be even better for those who have ancestral businesses. This month, you also have the blessings of Jupiter; therefore you will try something innovative to improve your business. It will provoke you to think of new ideas. Hence you should always carry a diary and write down whatever new ideas, which come to your mind. Later, you can study their feasibility and then implement it. Mars, placed in the Wealth House, implies that you could benefit from an ancestral property or gain well from the share markets. This period should be used to plan new ways of generating wealth instead of worrying about expenses or loans. Be cautious and do not disclose your ongoing dealings with anyone until it`s fully implemented as Sun and Ketu`s, Eclipse predicts delays in your projects or plans. 

Women and family happiness:~

Women and Family happiness Libran women will experience a lack of harmony in the family due to ill effects of Mars in 2nd House. There could be unnecessary arguments with your husband, especially related to money matters. Recite the Sundarkand and worship Lord Hanumanji on Tuesdays and pray for a blissful family life. Your married life will definitely improve. 


Student and Siblings Libran students will have a productive month as Saturn is in 3rd House and has its 3rd sign aspect on 5th House. Students in the Medical and Technology field will fare extremely well. If you are planning of further education then this is the right time to do so. Students who have applied for jobs and seeking placements will have success. Mars`s 4th sign aspect and Jupiter`s 5th sign aspect are on 5th House, therefore you have the blessings of Mars and Jupiter. You just need to be careful as you will be disturbed by Eclipse and Jadhatva Dosh so be cautious with regards to studies. This month you might get some good news with regards to their children.

Health and Enemies:~

Health You need to be cautious with regards to health as Jupiter is not in a favourable position in your chart. You may be affected by some chronic disease. Health issues like gas, acidity and constipation may trouble you. If you drink, smoke or eat late at night then you will surely be affected by ill health. Therefore, my advice would be to practice meditation and Yoga along with jogging. Rahu`s 9th sign aspect on 6th House this month, may provoke some small or big operation. Therefore, take care of yourself.

Job and Professional:~

Job and Professional There is an eclipse on the Work House, hence the salaried need to be careful. You could lose your job. If you are searching for a new one now, you should not continue. Instead, try giving your 100 % towards your present job. On the other hand, due to favourable position of Venus and Mercury in the 4th House, professionals like Chartered Accountants or natives related to finance and education will have a wonderful period. 

I hope my predictions will help you in planning your strategy and act at the proper time.

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