This month is special, as you have the blessings of Lord Shiva as Shivratri is on 13th February. It is also the month of love as Valentine’s Day is on 14th February. Let us now see the placement of various planets in your chart.
Venus will be in 2nd House but later from 6th February to month end will transit to 3rd House. Sun initially will be in 2nd House but will later from 12th February transit to 3rd House where you will have to face the ill effects of an Eclipse due to Sun-Ketu and Jadatva Dosh due to Mercury- Ketu. In early days, Mercury will be in 2nd House but on 14th February it will transit to 3rd House and stay there till the month end. Here you will be blessed by Budhaditya Yog and Laxminarayan Yog. Ketu will be in 2nd House and Rahu in 8th House. Jupiter will be in 11th House and Mars in 12th House. An important thing to note is that Papkartari Dosh is being formed in 12th House. As all planets are between Ketu and Rahu, Kalsarpa Dosh is created. The negative effect created by Kalsarpa will be reduced whenever Moon will be out of the celestial orbit. Now, let me share the analysis of your horoscope.
Business and Wealth:~
Business and Wealth The Lord of Business House, Mercury, is in 2nd House initially which could provoke a feeling of dissatisfaction in you. For quite some time you could have been thinking of closing your existing business which is not giving sufficient returns and starting something new or maybe you were thinking of upgrading it. Well, this is the right time to do so as Saturn`s 7th, Mars`s 8th and Jupiter`s 9th sign aspects are on Business House where Jupiter is giving you its blessings , Mars is giving strength and Saturn the encouragement to move ahead. They will provoke you to think of new ways of improving business. Another thing to be noted is Rahu`s 7th sign aspect is on Wealth House and Venus, the Lord of Income House is in Wealth House creating a wonderful period. Therefore there are possibilities of gaining wealth from other sources besides your business like, share market, inherited property, lottery, etc.
Women and Family happiness:~
Women and Family happiness Mercury, initially will be in the Family House and will later transit to 3rd House which is the house of younger brothers and sisters and their relations. Hence I wish, that you try and maintain good and cordial relationship with your husband`s family. You just need to create a positive atmosphere around you. There are chances of your family making some pilgrimage or simply going on a pleasure trip with the children during their vacations. This month women entrepreneurs or salaried will tend to gain financially.
Student and Siblings The Lord of 5th House, Mars is in 12th House which is not auspicious. This may cause distraction in your studies. You will prefer spending time with your friends, get busy in Valentine`s Day and parties. This neglect of studies will cause you stress and irritation later on. Hence you need to cautious. As Mars being in 12th House, it is considered as a weak point but you will have the blessings of Jupiter as its 7th sign aspect is on Studies. Hence there is a probability of your offspring making you proud.
Health and Enemies:~
Health The 6th House denotes the House of Enemies and also the House of Health. Due to this unfavorable position of Lord of 6th House, you could have problems related to ENT, stomach or any chronic disease. In 12th House, the placement of Saturn and Mars is indicating accident, injury and small or big surgery. Take special care on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Job and Professional:~
Job and Professional Sagittarian employees need to know that in 2nd House, the gathering of four planets is considered very auspicious. Due to which you will have full support and corporation from your family members. Any business travel, done on Wednesdays or Fridays will be result oriented. Mars in 12th House makes a native spent thrift, so be calculative while spending as you know “Money saved is money earned”. At the same time, as you are undergoing Saturn`s 2 ½ year Transit, any work undertaken by you has the risk of getting delayed or hampered. Do not get disheartened, work hard and if possible try to do something new.
I hope my predictions will help you in planning your strategy and act at the proper time. If you have liked this article; please share your valuable thoughts and comments. Jodhpur`s Adhyatmic Sadhana Siddhi Kendra will always be by your side to resolve your problems. Best of luck for the month of February.
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