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Aries Predictions for March-2018 || Suresh Shrimali

March 2018

My dear disciples, followers and all our new viewers, I would like you to understand my predictions and take advantages of the positive astral influences in your charts. Let me begin with Aries, the first sign in the Zodiac calendar and see how the planetary positions will affect their lives in March. This month Arians, will discover the hidden aspects of their personality and Jupiter will give them the courage to fulfil their potential. 

Rahu is in 4th and Jupiter the Guru of Gods is in 7th House. Mars will be in its own 8th House but from 7th March to the month end, will go to 9th House, the Destiny House. Saturn is in 9th House as usual and will be there for quite some time. Ketu will be in 10th House for a long time. In the early period of March, Venus will be in 11th House which is the house of Income. Later from 2nd March to 26th March, it will transit to 12th House which is the house of Expense. Mercury will be in 11th House initially but from 2nd March to the month end, will transit to 12th House. Sun too, will be in 11th House but will transit on 14th March to the 12th House and stay till the month end. This combination of Mercury and Sun in 11th House and again later on 12th House will be auspicious. Now, let`s begin with the analysis of the Aries chart for the month of March.

Business and Financial Status:~

Jupiter has its sign aspect on the 11th House, which will be a blessing. In terms of your financial well-being and business activities, March, might turn out to be quite bright and important. You will easily complete all work undertaken without any hassles. Moreover Venus the Lord of Business House and Wealth House, is in the Income House. This is quite beneficial. Even later when it transits to the 12th House on 2nd March it will continue to shower its blessings on you. The final period of this month will be beneficial in business as Jupiter has transited to the House of Venus and Venus has done the same with Jupiter. This is auspicious but though you will accomplish your targets, you might lose the initial enthusiasm. So take care. 

Women and Family:~

You will see that Venus, which is a very important planet for women, is initially in the Income House which is fine but the moment it transits to 12th House, on 2nd March, you will begin to feel some discord in your family life which will continue till 26th March. You will tend to get irritated and lose your temper very often. Therefore, you need to be careful with the choice of your words. Concentrate your attention on relationships with your loved ones, and with your friends. Organise a family evening or gather with loved ones. It will give you strength and lift everyone`s mood.

Student and happiness through children:~

You will see that Sun is in 11th House, which is considered auspicious. From here it`s sign aspect is on 5th House up to 14th March. You might hear some good news with regards to your children. But the moment Sun leaves 12th House; students will tend to lose concentration. You might even hurt yourself during this period therefore take care. Parents in turn need to know that parental warmth and controlling; in a positive way are the two most important parental attributes that help to create positive effects between parents and children. One parent’s hostility might disrupt the other parent’s ability to maintain a positive relationship with his or her children. So you need to be patient towards your children and remain cautious. 

Health and Enemies:~

See that Mercury which is in 11th House is an ideal position for bad health. Later, on 2nd March, it transits to 12th House, this weaker Mercury now, has it`s sign aspect on 6th House which is again a weak point. It will provoke muscle pain, stress and pain in hips or legs. Hence you will probably increase your spending due to health related issues. But note that if you are suffering from any sort of chronic disease, then you could get relieved. All you need is some research on your part. You will definitely come across some solutions. Another point to note is that Ketu has its 9th sign aspect on 6th House which is also a weak point. Therefore you need to be wary of your enemies and take extra care of your health.

Job and Profession:~

Note that, Moon and Ketu will combine to form an Eclipse in 10th House on 13th and 14th March. During this period you need to be extra careful. Avoid provoking colleagues and unnecessary arguments at your workplace. Here Rahu has its 7th sign aspect on 10th House. So better take some time in preparing yourself for some hardships along the way. Your colleagues might fail in supporting you and covering your back. Pay attention and be communicative. Don't stress yourself over little things. Do not postpone the small tasks for later; summon strength and patience to deal with them. Your best qualities at work will prove to your superiors that you are experienced and knowledgeable. Promotions are on the cards but keep in mind that you might have to hustle a bit in order to get promoted. Try not to show off your achievements, as this may not please everyone. 

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