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Taurus March 2018 || Suresh Shrimali

March 2018 

My warm wishes to all my disciples, followers and our new viewers. Let us discuss the Taurus Zodiac sign, 

 Now, let`s begin with the analysis of the Taurus chart, for the month of March, for business person and their financial status

An important thing to remember is that, Saturn`s 2 ½ year transit is in the Taurus sign. Mars, which is in Business House, will bring irritation and make you lose your temper. Again later, on the 7th March it will transit to 8th House, and combine with Saturn, which is inauspicious. 10th,11th, the 20th, 21st & the 28th, 29th March will be the days of disturbances. take care during these days. 

You need not worry about your financial condition, as the effects of combinations of Venus and Mercury, in 10th House and later in 11th House will take care of it. 

Let's see what is there in this month for Women and Family

Women need to stay calm and avoid, over-reaction this month, as Mars is in 7th House, which will provoke you to lose your temper, therefore disturbances are inevitable.
 There could be constant health issues, or otherwise unnecessary disputes amongst the spouses. Hence try to be less vocal, and choose your words carefully.

 Let's see what is there in this month for Student and happiness through children

While transiting to 11th House, Mercury becomes a debilitated planet. It will provoke you to waste your time. Students who are studying Finance, Accounting, and Business Management will have to face disturbance in their studies. 

Parents of students, who are away from home should try, and talk more often with their children, and motivate them.

 Let's see now how Health and Enemies will respond in this month

Due to Jupiter being in 6th House, you might face some stomach related issues, like gas, acidity etc. 

 This month your enemies will have an upper hand, so be cautious. But a good thing to note is, the combination of Jupiter and Venus will always protect you. 

Let's see how this month going to react for Job and Professional class

Salaried need to know that, Saturn the Lord of 10th House is in 8th House, and has its 3rd sign aspect on the 10th House, so progress will be slow and steady.

Further, due to 4th sign aspect of Mars, and 5th sign aspect of Jupiter, on 10th House, you will be provoked to take hasty decisions under pressure, be patient and focused.

 Professionals will have a fruitful month, as Saturn is in exalted position. Use it to your advantage, by thinking big. You are bound to be quite focused this month. 

If you have liked this episode, do subscribe and share it with your loved ones. Write to us and share your valuable thoughts and comments. Jodhpur's Adhyatmic Sadhana Siddhi Kendra will always be, by your side to resolve your problems.

 I wish you the best of luck, for the mont


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