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The correlation b/w Astrology & Psychology || Suresh Shrimali

The correlation 
Astrology & Psychology

Dear listeners in the first part we started out with understanding the basic relationship between Psychology and Astrology. Now in the second series I am taking you towards the more in depth journey of this relationship . 

What I talked in the first series is about the basic relationship between Psychology and Astrology. 

One common factor between the role of the astrologer and the role of the psychoanalyst is that both are using tools to understand the structure or nature of the “psychic energy” within a person. If the analyst or astrologer can interpret what’s going on, then he/she is better able to suggest how matters might improve. As with any analytical discipline, an interpretive framework or model becomes a helpful tool to more easily identify features and characteristics. 

Carl Jung’s work was often focused on developing analytical models. The value from using these models, like the typology or the elemental structure in astrology, is helpful in extracting deeper therapeutic knowledge leading up to greater self-awareness. The tools are there for insight and deeper understanding of ourselves as people. Jung was of the opinion that the specific basic quality that belongs to an individual comes from within, and is not created by external circumstances. However, Jung did not underrate the importance of parental and environmental influence, but thought the decisive factor should be looked for in the disposition of the child. 7 Only under abnormal conditions, i.e., when the mother’s own attitude is extreme, a similar attitude can be forced on the child too, and violate the individual disposition. 

Astrology comes from the same standpoint; that a child is not born a clean slate. One may raise the question if a child is born with certain qualities due to past lives. Astrologers may be of different philosophical opinions, but agree on one thing; time contains quality. The foundation of astrology is that the time of birth reflects the specific qualities inherent in the child. 

Let me take through the concept of Western Astrology . What Carl Jung talked about is the relating his psychoanalystic framework to treat the patients with the concept of Zodiac as Mandala The word mandala comes from Sanskrit and means “magic circle”, referring to a geometric figure with more or less regular subdivisions. A mandala is often divided by four or multiples thereof. Mandalas exemplify symbols of wholeness. The astrologer sees the zodiac as a mandala, a centering diagram and an object of contemplation. 

The next series we are going to discuss more on this and I will take you to the world of this osmosis wherein you will find more indepth knowledge on this concept. 

You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation. – A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami


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