The effects of Saturn’s Retrograde
Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time, when karma is sorted out. It rewards you or punishes you at a predestined time according to your past deeds. With Saturn in retrograde motion the karma will relate to how responsible you have been in the past.
Saturn Retrograde will begin on 18th April 2018 at 7.17 am and terminate on 6th September2018 at 4.40am. That is for 142 days. Saturn will be exalted in Libra but debilitated in Taurus. It is the Lord of the House of Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn is in the House of Sagittarius, whose Lord is Jupiter and is retrograding from there. Generally Saturn retrograde is associated with delays, denial, misery, debts & chronic health issues.
Depending on where retrograde Saturn is placed in your horoscope, you will gain or face difficulties.
Let us know how this Saturn retrograde will affect our zodiac signs...

Remedy- Feed a black cow with flatbread applied with butter.

Remedy- Donate black clothes.

Remedy - You could make some donation, towards the poor.
Saturn will retrograde in the 6th House of your Zodiac sign. Saturn is the Lord of your 7th and 8th House. You could face some judicial disputes but if you are going through some legal hassles then you are bound to win.

Remedy- Feed the birds with seven types of grains and pulses.

Remedy- Light a lamp under a banyan tree.

Remedy- Recite the Hanuman Chalisa every Saturday.

Remedy- You could feed a black dog on Saturdays.

Remedy - You could make some donate towards a Leprosy Hospital.

Remedy- You could light a lamp in front of Lord Shani.

Remedy - Recite the Hanuman Chalisa on Saturdays.

Remedy- You could donate mustard oil in a temple.
Saturn will retrograde in the 10th House of your Zodiac sign. Saturn is the Lord of your 11th and 12th House. This phase is not auspicious for you. Your expenses will be more than your income. Hence avoid unnecessary spending. The job seekers and businessmen could get new opportunities. Your child or mother could face some problems so take care.
Remedy- You could feed jaggery to a black dog on Saturdays.
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